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 Application - [pre-kara] mutilate rogue

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Application - [pre-kara] mutilate rogue Empty
PostSubject: Application - [pre-kara] mutilate rogue   Application - [pre-kara] mutilate rogue Icon_minitimeWed Mar 12, 2008 6:09 pm

Name: Kristof
Age: 23
Country: Hungary

Name: Tyrepmaskuth
Race: Troll
Class: Rogue
Level: 70
Talents: 41/20/0 [mutilate]
Previous guilds: Everlasting Brewfest, Fist Full of Love
Playtime(/played): 20 days, 10 hours
Play days(in the week): Anywhere from 0 to 7 depending on my mood.
Experience: Never raided before, all the guilds I've been in disbanded before I got a chance to do so.
Why did you leave your previous guild/-s?: Both of my previous guilds disbanded.
What are your goals in WoW? Why do you play WoW?: I'll be blunt with you, this is one of the most annoying questions I've ever had a chance to answer, yet it is one of the most common ones. Why do YOU play? To have fun, I hope. In a way you could say that having fun is my goal as well. Then again I want to see high level content, parts of which I might be familiar with from lore and previous Warcraft games, that may not be fun for some people, but it sure is for me.
Gear link: [in case it doesn't work, which it doesn't [at least not in preview mode] you can always find information about my gear on armory by doing a manual search]
Role play story about your characters history:
Twisted rogue of the Darkspear.
Ever-faithful servant of the Horde.
One of the many unknown apprentices of the currently missing shadow hunter, Rokhan. After his master's disapperance Tyrep abandoned a lot of what he had been taught to further increase his combating potential, losing all of his voodoo knowledge in the process. Having acquired sufficient training, but never attaining an actual fel glaive mastering the ways of the dagger was quite an easy task.
Most easily found in the bars of Kalimdor, more often than not in the inn of Gadgetzan, in the company of a mug or bottle. Occasionally, with female company, in the bank or Orgrimmar.
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Posts : 219
Join date : 2008-02-13
Location : Denmark

Application - [pre-kara] mutilate rogue Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application - [pre-kara] mutilate rogue   Application - [pre-kara] mutilate rogue Icon_minitimeThu Mar 13, 2008 5:00 am

well, we dont really need rogues, however a really aktive friendly and very very skilled rogue, who are willing to listen the F up, might be welcomed.

i do need to now if your able to attend 4 raids pr. week, ? be well prepared? and willing to respec?
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Application - [pre-kara] mutilate rogue Empty
PostSubject: a few answers   Application - [pre-kara] mutilate rogue Icon_minitimeThu Mar 13, 2008 9:58 am

When you say you don't really need any rogues I guess you mean you don't have any room in your raids groups for additional rogues. Which basicly means my situation will not change even if I get to join the guild, but I'll answer your questions anyway since I have nothing better to do.

As you can clearly see I my attitude is anything but what most people would describe "nice", or "friendly" for that matter. You can ask former Fist Full of Love or Everlasting Brewfest members if they remember me or not. Or Burpie, but I doubt any of them will say I'm "friendly".
It may not have anything to do with WoW itself, but I have played several other MMOs in the past. Lineage II and EVE online, just to mention the more popular ones. If you have played any of the above titles you should know that they require a whole different level of dedication and team play.
I used to lead an alliance [~400 players] on a populated low rate L2 private server back in C1 times and we owned a castle. Had several 52+ characters on retail [Erica / Teon]. Was co-leader of semi-succesful clans on free-shards after I got bored of all the botting and ebaying of L2 retail.
I was part of NoQuarter [Academy] in EVE online, sadly it didn't last long due to some financial and social issues of mine at the time, but I sacrificed several ships while defending our PoS.

If I have any of the "skill" you are referring to is for you to find out. I have already bragged more than I regularly do.

Yes, I do follow orders. If they are reasonable. I am not going to get myself killed over and over again and lose gaming time for an idea I do not believe in.

I am, of course, willing to respec, but the thing is I don't know why I'd want to. Other than moving points from Improved Gouge to Improved Sinister Strike to "increase" my damage output [by lowering the energy cost of Sinister Strike] I don't see how I could improve my dagger build. Respeccing combat swords is pretty much out of question, since the effort it'd take to get myself a pair of swords that can match up to my welfare daggers would hardly be worth the days of brainless honorgrind in exchange for a slightly different [not necessarily higher] damage output. Based on my knowledge acquired from rogue forums, wowwiki, wowhead and my own ingame experience the 41/20/0 assasination/combat build offers the most reliable damage output. I'm sure a number of players will want to argue, they can take it to the rogue forums where the discussion on the above topic is still very lively.
I'm open to suggestions and willing to experiment, but once again I have to add that they have to be reasonable [in my eyes] for me to even consider them.

Now that we got this out of the way I am most of the time playing my alt [druiđ] on Alonsus with a few real life friends of mine, since 2/5 of Ravenholdt's population seems to be playing rogue, which puts me out of my job. I've often had to sit on LFG for hours, normal instances, to get into a group which is just plain irritating. Frequently I wouldn't even get a group. I've only been to two heroic runs because my gear doesn't match the expectations of the epic geared tanks who usually run them. 1238 AP, 170 hit rating and 20% crit [1258 / 180 with Rune of the Guard captain, since I don't really Insignia of the Horde in PvE all that often] just doesn't seem to be enough.
Hell I can't get a group to complete Varedis Must Be Stopped so I could finally get Hauberk of Karabor for another 12 hit rating because there just aren't any groups.

Wrong realm, wrong class as it seems.

Good luck with your raids and all that.

Tyrep Maskuth
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Posts : 219
Join date : 2008-02-13
Location : Denmark

Application - [pre-kara] mutilate rogue Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application - [pre-kara] mutilate rogue   Application - [pre-kara] mutilate rogue Icon_minitimeThu Mar 13, 2008 10:12 am

impressive reply, well we are not full on rogues in raids =P, we got 1 active rogue., out of 2.

well i belive in swords spec, i dont care how much time you used to get daggers, but swords does far more dmg, with wf.
i know the best rogue ever played in wow, i think, and i pref the spec he used, tho i cant remember fully, i remember it was swords.

you wont wipe over stupid ideas, but wipe you will.

you seem to know how important hit rating are.

i just love a proper reply. and swords wont be hard to get.

you are accepted. /w me in game. /cj Very Happy
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Application - [pre-kara] mutilate rogue Empty
PostSubject: Swords and Daggers [versus mode]   Application - [pre-kara] mutilate rogue Icon_minitimeThu Mar 13, 2008 10:41 am

Windfury only "buffs" the mainhand weapons, mainhand swords are regularly rather slow, most of the time 2.6, while you can easily find 1.8 mainhand daggers. Even with Slice and Dice the dagger will hit more frequently hence the extra hit will be more frequent. Of course the base damage of swords is somewhat higher, but with the speed difference daggers shouldn't, mathematically, be too far behind. If they are behind at all.

I'll respec once I got some proper swords, but currently there's just no point since I'd have to give up on 18 hit rating and 30 crit rating since I have no bloody swords in my bank. Oh wait, I have Edge of the Cosmos, but that is still -9 hit rating -8 stamina +1 crit rating on mainhand only. Not to mention the loss in white damage.
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Application - [pre-kara] mutilate rogue Empty
PostSubject: Re: Application - [pre-kara] mutilate rogue   Application - [pre-kara] mutilate rogue Icon_minitime

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