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 Resto shaman

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Resto shaman Empty
PostSubject: Resto shaman   Resto shaman Icon_minitimeSun Mar 02, 2008 9:42 am

Irl info:
My name is Maya Sol. Im polish, living and studying japanese in Denmark. Im married (to Gorrok btw) and got 4 year old son.

Name: Maya Sol
Age: 27
Country: Denmark

WoW info:

Name: Windsong
Race: Troll
Class: Shaman
Level: 70
Talents: 0/5/56
Previous guilds: Exodus, Yseras Tear, Fistfull of Love
Playtime(/played): 74 days
Play days(in the week): I generally play everyday after 1900, unless i got exams.
Experience: MC, AQ20, ZG, AQ40, BWL, Ony, Kara

Why did you leave your previous guild/-s?:
Left Exodus due to bad organisation, rasist/gay jokes and overall problems with my lack of ability to comprehend strong latvian accent on the ventrillo.
Yseras Tear is a guild created by Gorrok and me, mostly used to communicate with our RL friends, place where we keep our alts, where we lvl and hide from ninja invites to guilds all the time.
Left Fistfull of Love cos ... the guild is no more Sad

What are your goals in wow? why do you play wow?: Well... i play wow to relax when i dont study. Since TBC i try not to set goals for my characters. When TBC came out...there i was full epic, checking the first green rewards in outlands - crying... Now i play for fun and any gear improvement is just a bonus.

Gear link:

Role play story about your characters history:

My story begins with Great Exodus of the Trolls. Scattered all over Winterspring, mountain troll tribes were forced to abandon the land of their ancestors. Troubled by Scourge attacks they could not stand a chance when Alliance forces stormed. Many trolls decided to leave in search of better existance.

A few surviviors settled in Stranglethorn Vale, were they still live the traditional vodoo way, and some accepted help from orc tribes founding new a home on the coast of Durotar.

Only the oldest ones remember those days now. Many new generation trolls never saw Winterspring; their true homeland.
And I was one of them...

Noone knows who my parents were or where I was born. I was found one cold winter evening by the Shikrik the Shaman. Since I was just a baby-troll and he was an old hermit, he decided I'd be raised in Zendijan Village and come back to him when the time comes for the training, as he saw a great power within me.

I lived with a nice troll familly for some years. We never had much money so it was important for kids to begin to work early. Respected villiage alchemist Miao'zan offered me fair pay for gathering herbs for her. It was good and honest work. I liked to come to her hut, filled with strange smells, colourfull bottles and jars. Miao'zen tought me to respect the nature, she showed me how important it is to recognize herbs and use them wisely. I often watched her helping villiage folks with their problems. I was so proud each time I was the person who picked the herb being used for the right potion. Im a herbalist ever since.

I came to love my adoptive tribe but most of that time I felt like an outsider and did not accually fit in. My skin had bit more of a blue glow than the rest of village trolls, I always felt bit too hot in a warm climate of Durotar. Visiting Sherik was the brightest time of the day, I was always looking forward to. I swore him not to reveal the secrets of early shaman training, so I can't say much about that time.

As the years gone by, I was finally ready to see my next mentor, Kardis Dreamseaker the Great Shaman of Ogrimmar. And that's where i met my dearest friend hunter Gorrok. Those were the days... Ogrimmar was full of live, people were happier, silverleaf was easier to find, when i was young troll. At some point, fascinated by the art of enchanting i began to learn it's secrets, thanks to Jhaq, my neighbour.

I am 70 years old now, but i feel young in spirit. Hoping to see more of the vast world and experience new challenges. I finally feel I am ready...

Any last comments about how imba you are: I'll leave it up to those who play with me, thank you.
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Posts : 219
Join date : 2008-02-13
Location : Denmark

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PostSubject: Re: Resto shaman   Resto shaman Icon_minitimeSun Mar 02, 2008 2:21 pm

fantastic application =) accepted Very Happy
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