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 Application - Megas

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Application - Megas Empty
PostSubject: Application - Megas   Application - Megas Icon_minitimeMon May 12, 2008 6:02 am

Irl info:

Name: Jani Mäkinen
Age: 23
Country: Finland

WoW info:

Name: Megas
Race: Orc
Class: Shaman
Level: 70
Talents: 41/0/20 (stackable 3 hit 3 crit totem, might change back to NS 40/0/21)
Previous guilds:
Nethersong (Finnish guild, good friends of mine, too little 70's and I don't want to restrict myself to only finnish people)
Fade (was there for a very short time, left cos I ran out of time to play Sad )
Playtime(/played): 25 days 15 hours 17 minutes 14 seconds
Play days(in the week): every day
Experience: All 5 Mans, except MgT, heroic mode included ofc. Zul'Gurub(raid leader), Karazhan.
Why did you leave your previous guild/-s?: Not enough people to progress properly and not enough activity.
What are your goals in wow? why do you play wow?:
I play wow for fun, my goals are to explore the raiding content and do some pvp along the way.
Gear link:

Role play story about your characters history:
Megas is an orc from Durotar who was fascinated in exploring the elements of Azeroth and started to adventure out to find his destiny. He has faced many enemies but is still alive, and wants to test his might against the greatest enemies of Azeroth and his old homeland.
Any last comments about how imba you are:
Well, I study alot, is a place i visit often.
Also, is not unfamiliar to me, and I like to think about the PvP aspect of things most of the time, rather than PvE, but lately I've developed also an interest in the PvE content. I can't say I'm very imba, but I have quick reflexes and I try to learn through first hand experience to improve my skills constantly.
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