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PostSubject: Application   Application Icon_minitimeSat Apr 26, 2008 12:10 pm

Real name:Peter

Character name:Karok
Race:Orc(Yellow orc,not green,seriously)
Specialization:Enhancement at the moment but I want to respec,to be recruited
Professions:Skining and letherworking,both at 375
Raid experience:All to Hyjal where I know the first 3 booses,and BT where I know the first 2 booses.I know all the raids under these ones.
Game goals:To raid,have fun and chatt with nice people,so I can be nice in return:).
Why should you recruit me:As everyone I have my own personality,but I behave like the people around me do,if they are kind and nice with me,I will be so with them,if they are nasty with me I will forgive them.I want to meet nice people and raid and chat and have funn till Blizzard deleted wow:P
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PostSubject: Aplication   Application Icon_minitimeSat Apr 26, 2008 12:20 pm

Excuse me but I forgot to mention some details in the application,was a bit russhed.I can play every day for about 4 hours and I can raid moastly 3 times a week but sometimes 4.The gear I have is not complete yet,because I miss 3 items,and will do so when it is,but will all the ehcnahts it will go to about 850+ spell damage,and some nice stats.And for a short RP story about me,hmm let me think:P:"After the chieftain's vision about the world,about the future,the shamans on the tribe became worried.What would happen with the land and elements with all the war and countles centuryes yet to come?What will happen to them?Who will defend them?From the tribe,rised a shaman,eager to defend he's lands and beliefs agains all who dare challange him.He's name was Karok,he's deeds will be history."
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Posts : 219
Join date : 2008-02-13
Location : Denmark

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PostSubject: Re: Application   Application Icon_minitimeSat Apr 26, 2008 12:40 pm

accepted =)
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PostSubject: Re: Application   Application Icon_minitime

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