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 Manute the Shaman - Application form

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Manute the Shaman - Application form Empty
PostSubject: Manute the Shaman - Application form   Manute the Shaman - Application form Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 5:22 am

Please fill this form.
As the whole purpouse of this form is for us to know something more about you, we want everyone to put some effort writing it.
RP story is a MUST!

Irl info:

Name: Hasancan
Age: 13
Country: Cyprus

WoW info:

Name: Manute
Race: Shu'halo (tauren)
Class: Shaman
Level: 70
Talents: 40/0/21
Previous guilds: Pride of Horde, The Conclave, Exsecror
Playtime(/played):55 days
Play days(in the week): weekends 100% 2-3 days in weekdays
Experience: SSC (hydross) Gruul, TK (except kael), za 4/6, full kara
Why did you leave your previous guild/-s?: Pride of horde-merge Exsecror-split The Conclave- kicked for asking a druid to combat rez me at trash mobs ( confused )
What are your goals in wow? why do you play wow?: to have fun, make new friends and talk to them
Gear link:
Role play story about your characters history: Manute was one of the first taurens that the mighty Earth Mother had created. After he was risen from the windy plains of Mulgore, he looked into the eyes of the Earth Mother, the sun and the moon. In a flash of light, he felt a funny tingling all over his body. Sparks of lightning flashed from his hands. That moment he knew one thing..he was blessed by the power of nature and was to be a great shaman in the future. He was to bless hunters to untold powers of rage and might. He was to seed terror in his enemies with the power of nature. He..was a shaman.
Any last comments about how imba you are:
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Posts : 219
Join date : 2008-02-13
Location : Denmark

Manute the Shaman - Application form Empty
PostSubject: Re: Manute the Shaman - Application form   Manute the Shaman - Application form Icon_minitimeSun Apr 20, 2008 5:32 am

tho your young. i give you a change to prove yourself.

(not to forget he did the rp story zomg!!)
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Manute the Shaman - Application form
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