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 Strombu - Fire Mage

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Strombu - Fire Mage Empty
PostSubject: Strombu - Fire Mage   Strombu - Fire Mage Icon_minitimeFri Apr 25, 2008 9:33 am

Irl info:

Name: Jonny
Age: 23
Country: Israel

WoW info:

Name: Strombu
Race: Troll
Class: Mage
Level: 70
Talents: Fire ( IV ftw )
Previous guilds: The Faithful
Playtime(/played): 12 days 10 hours and counting
Play days(in the week): 3-4 times a week excluding fridays (days change do to work)
Why did you leave your previous guild/-s?: Not enough lvl 70 players to progress with
What are your goals in wow? why do you play wow?: To enjoy the game is the most importent thing for me. I would like to progress and go to end game content but I think enjoying it on the way is more importent than being the first killing Arthas!
Gear link:
I have recently dinged 70 after a long leave from wow. Obviosly my gear isnt the best yet, though being a mage completing the spellfire set would be easy enough.
After that, well thats what i want a guild for...heroics and raiding fun!
Role play story about your characters history: Strombu was always a little wierd....even for a troll! While he was a part of a big and happy troll familly in a remote village he was always drone to the VOODOO! Naturaly the village elder used to "stay away from the VOODOO mon" but Strombu wouldnt listen.
As he got older it became apparent that Strombu was a bit on the pyromantic side. Well, when he finally torched the fammilys hut it was the last stroke. Hes father urged the village elder to take him away. So Strombu Was sent to the vally of trials and he never looked back, what with all the things he could burn (especialy gnomes which he enjoys the most). Now it is said in the village he is romming azeroth torching things with a big happy smile beneath hes big pointy tusks.
Any last comments about how imba you are: Well i shouldnt be telling u this time....i killed a lock!!!!! no i swear..really.....stop laughing!!!
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Posts : 219
Join date : 2008-02-13
Location : Denmark

Strombu - Fire Mage Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strombu - Fire Mage   Strombu - Fire Mage Icon_minitimeFri May 02, 2008 7:35 am

we are still discussing this. please be patient a short while more
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Posts : 33
Join date : 2008-03-19
Age : 46
Location : Eskilstuna, Sweden

Strombu - Fire Mage Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strombu - Fire Mage   Strombu - Fire Mage Icon_minitimeSat May 03, 2008 4:15 am

Your gear is very much below our standards so to speak, but if you hurry up and get Spellstrike and Spellfire sets (its only about 5k gold for the mats ^^) then you got a really good base to stand on and should be atleat allright to do some heroics and maybe karazhan too

We're discussing it.
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Strombu - Fire Mage Empty
PostSubject: Re: Strombu - Fire Mage   Strombu - Fire Mage Icon_minitime

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