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 Combat sword Rogue apply - Dagen

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2 posters

Posts : 1
Join date : 2008-04-15

Combat sword Rogue apply - Dagen Empty
PostSubject: Combat sword Rogue apply - Dagen   Combat sword Rogue apply - Dagen Icon_minitimeTue Apr 15, 2008 2:59 pm

Irl info:

Name: Serkan
Age: 24
Country: turkey

WoW info:

Name: Dagen

Race: Undead

Class: Rogue

Level: 70

Talents: 17/44/0 Combat sword

Previous guilds: Exsecror

Playtime(/played): 54 days - 13 hours - 25 min

Play days(in the week): generally 7/7 all days Smile

Experience: Kara - Grull

Why did you leave your previous guild/-s?: I was in Exsecror with Kayzer , Arack. All of them migrated to another realm.

What are your goals in wow? why do you play wow?: to see eng game raids. Want to kill all big bosses with good ppls

Gear link:

Role play story about your characters history:

First of all I’m really sorry about my english. I know its not pretty good but just tried to write something. Its my characters real story I mean in my mind Smile Better then nothing Smile

Generally I’m quite man. I dont like talking ,especially about my past. To be honest I can not remember anything about my past. This plague should be affected my memory too as like my body.

By the way I can share my story but just a part after this plague got me.

I woke up near someone named Darn. He told me ,he found me near his house. He was undead. I scared of him first but then I have noticed I m just undead too. He explained all about forsaken and undeads to me. He took me to the Undercity and introduced with rogues’ master and I started to my new life as rogue. It was hard to became familiar with my bones but I think I like them now. I dont like to assassinate humans but there is no choice for me , I have to live.

When I m strong enough , maybe I can try to search my past

Any last comments about how imba you are: Always I know all I need to do and always ready for all things. (something bad about me > I m not good pvper Razz
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Combat sword Rogue apply - Dagen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Combat sword Rogue apply - Dagen   Combat sword Rogue apply - Dagen Icon_minitimeTue Apr 15, 2008 3:05 pm

i know him he is good player and active.. my vote yours my friend
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Posts : 219
Join date : 2008-02-13
Location : Denmark

Combat sword Rogue apply - Dagen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Combat sword Rogue apply - Dagen   Combat sword Rogue apply - Dagen Icon_minitimeWed Apr 16, 2008 5:16 am

allright, youll have to be able to understand my commands on VT. so train ya english a bit..

welcome to the family=)
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Combat sword Rogue apply - Dagen Empty
PostSubject: Re: Combat sword Rogue apply - Dagen   Combat sword Rogue apply - Dagen Icon_minitime

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