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 Zirk<--mage aplly

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Zirk<--mage aplly Empty
PostSubject: Zirk<--mage aplly   Zirk<--mage aplly Icon_minitimeMon Apr 14, 2008 10:33 am

Irl info:

Name: Christoffer
Age: 15
Country: norway (same as Shinrova irl friend)

WoW info:

Name: Zirk
Race: Blood elf
Class: Mage
Level: 70 ofc
Talents: 2/48/11 (Pure fire-raid specced)
Previous guilds: Infection
Playtime(/played): 50 days
Play days(in the week): 5/7 Got football training and stuff..
Experience: Karazhan,gruul,maggy,and some of SSC and TK
Why did you leave your previous guild/-s?: Did transfer too this realm:))
What are your goals in wow? why do you play wow?: Mye goals in wow is to get "More experience and improve guild..I wanna get bether gear ofc,but want to raid and have fun more..Im not an epic hunter so dont worrie:)
Gear link:
Role play story about your characters history:
Any last comments about how imba you are: Well i know how to play my class and how to raid..So no worries:) /w ingame i rly want an inv..So gief one!thanks!
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Posts : 219
Join date : 2008-02-13
Location : Denmark

Zirk<--mage aplly Empty
PostSubject: Re: Zirk<--mage aplly   Zirk<--mage aplly Icon_minitimeMon Apr 14, 2008 10:50 am

you really want a inv? and can raid? one very important thing when you raid. is to understand commands.. and apply say rp story is a must.

i dont see your rp story.
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Zirk<--mage aplly
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